Sunday, July 19, 2009

Current State of Maxtrax
The player is incomplete as it misses a few commands, but they arent used by the intro and its almost certain that they arent used elsewhere. As Maxtrax has an eerie resemblance to MIDI (down to using the same structures in files) I looked at a few classes and it might be possible to actually use one existing MIDI Emulator instead of using Maxtrax to emulate MIDI-Commands on Amiga-Hardware and then emulate the Amiga-Hardware. Im not 100% sure its possible, but I will have a good look at it later.

The integration into the kyra-engine is good enough for the whole intro - which is as far as the Amiga-Version runs currently. Kyrandia has several seperate tables for section of the game (intro, game, final atleast), each with seperate tables for sfx, tempo and even seperate code handling music/sfx commands. Finishing support will surely drag beyond the Summer of Code

I will post another blog-entry today or tomorrow on whats next.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Besides, we're in a good contact with Joe Pearce, author of MaxTrax. So if you have any questions, just approach me.
